Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Shift Into Stripes

I've recently come to the conclusion that I have a slight obsession with striped shift dresses. Last week I purchased adorable dress number three in black and white (my third striped dress in three months, oops!)...but here's the thing-- I can't get enough! I love the comfort, versatility and fit of these dresses. Tights, boots, flats, belts, big jewelry, even no jewelry, you simply can't lose! Not to mention that they serve as perfect pieces to transition into spring. Okay, I'll stop gushing, but seriously go buy a striped shift. You'll thank me later, I promise!

Shift Into Stripes

1 / 2 / 3

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday Pick-Me-Up

I don't know about you all, but I'm such a worrier! I try to stay cool and not think about problems, how I'm treated by others or how I treat them, relationships, what the future will bring, and oh-so-much more but I can't help it...these things are always on my mind! So, in effort to maintain a bit more serenity in my life I'm now adopting the mantra "pray more, worry less". Care to try it with me?

Here's to a worry free Monday!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

25 Before 25- Update 3

Remember back in June when I created my 25 Before 25 list? Well, I didn't meat my original goal of completing all of my tasks before turning 25, but that doesn't meant that I've given up! I'm going to use the rest of my 25th year to complete my list and maybe even have a few more adventures along the way. Here's a little reminder of where I am with my list...

What's something on your "to-do" list this year? Have a wonderful weekend!

1. Become certified to scuba dive
I have a wedding to attend in Florida in October--Certification is must before then! 

2. Skydive

*Completed 8/26/12*

3. Create a budget...and stick to it!  
Coming VERY soon! I now I have job that I love and plan on staying at for quite a while, thus creating a "spending plan" is soon to come.
4. Stay on my grandparents' farm 

*Completed 6/18/12*

5. Watch the sunrise  

*Completed 7/6/12*

6. Travel to a new continent 

*Completed 11/22/12-12/12/12*
Doha, Qatar

7. Complete 1 DIY project a month

8. Learn to play the mandolin
I've got one tune down and hope to learn more soon!

9. Go gluten free for one week 

10. Attend a pro baseball game

*Completed 7/7/2012* 

11. Learn how to use Photoshop
I received the latest version for Christmas. My first couple of projects were a little iffy--Hopefully I'll have something to show off soon!

12. Start my own Etsy shop 

13. Learn how to change a tire

14. Watch all 8 Harry Potter movies in 1 weekend 

15. Visit a zoo 

*Completed 7/8/12*

16. Find a new organization to volunteer with 

17. Read 1 new book per month

18. Research my family history 

19. Attend an amazing live concert 

*Completed 7/29/2012*

20.  Host a giveaway on my blog

21. Write a letter to my 35-year-old self 

22. See a shooting star

*Completed 7/4/12*

23. Turn off my phone for 24 hours

24.  Move out of my parents’ home

25.   Create a bucket list!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Make A Wish

Today is my 25th birthday!...That feels so strange to say! Growing up, twenty-five always seemed like some super-special-adult-age where you could to do really cool and fun things-- Although I'm only a couple hours in, so far it seems totally true so here's to hoping that next 364 days go just as well!

OH annnnd just in case one of you lovelies out there would like to buy me a present, please consider this adorable little Cavapoo puppy. Too much cuteness! 

Monday, February 18, 2013

How Time Flies...

Oh how time flies, friends! I can't believe that we're already to the midway mark of February and this is my FIRST post of 2013.

So, what have I been up to?

I went to Qatar--holy cow, what an amazing trip! 

Day one- working away in the media center

My official United Nations accreditation badge 

Speaking on an United Nations Environmental Programme pannel on behalf of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

Doing a few warmups before getting started on the pannel! 

Reuniting with old friends in Qatar

Sitting in on a panel with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon

Channeling my mother circa 1983 while finishing up a piece 

Trying out the United States negotiating seat!

Gorgeous chandeliers in the main negotiating hall. Each cost one million dollars...
I'll let you all do the math! 

Doha skyline

Spices in the Souk Waqif (market) in Doha 

FANAR Qatar Islamic Cultural Center

 Attending an amazing UN Non-Governmental party at the inland sea

Lights in the Souk Waqif 

Dinner at a delicious Turkish restaurant in the Souk Waqif

Outside of the gorgeous Museum of Islamic Art in Doha 

Museum of Islamic Art- Doha, Qatar

Inside the Museum of Islamic Art. This museum is a must visit!

A special thanks to Katherine, Becky, Lindsey, Katie & Lindsey, & Jen for fabulous guest posts while I was away!

I hosted a baby shower for L and Baby B

Mommy and Baby B

Holding my nephew for the first time!

L and I with our mom's. We took the same photo on the first day of Kindergarden!

I hosted a baby shower for N and Baby Z

For N's birthday we usually have an ugly sweater party...so we mixed things up a bit this year and made it an ugly sweater baby shower. It served as a fun birthday/baby celebration!

I celebrated the Christmas with my family

Christmas with Grandma & Grandpa

First holiday with the boy!

My cousin asked me to be Maid of Honor in her wedding!

With the lovely bride-to-be

I took the GRE..yuck. This isn't very exciting but it was torture, so it had to be mentioned 

I tried a new hair style

After slowly trimming it away, I finally took the plunge. I'm definitely missing my long hair, but am loving the new look!

I experienced a tough loss

My family lost our sweet boy, just one week shy of his 16th birthday.
I'm so thankful for all of the years I had with my friend..

I visited L and Baby B

Isn't he the cutest?!

He experienced his first shopping trip with his mom and auntie--he was such a good boy!

I started a new job that I'm oh-so excited about and absolutely love

Lovely flowers from my mom and dad on the first day!

I met baby Z!

Holding a baby that is only a few hours old is probably one of the most touching things I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing

Finally, I celebrated Valentine's Day with one great Valentine 

And that brings us to today-- Which also happens to be my last day of my 24th year...Tomorrow I'm going to wake up and welcome whatever a quater of a century brings me! Much like the begining of a new year, I think that your year is what you make of it, but I can't help but shake the feeling that year 25 is going to be a great one for me! Have a wonderful Monday!