Ever have those weeks when so many amazing things happen you don't even think it could all be possible? Well, that's what my week has been! Between an exciting opportunity that I have coming my way (more news on this soon!) and wonderful news from friends (engagements, jobs, babies, and so much more!) I don't think this week could fit any more happiness in it...but I could always make a little more room!
With all of this happiness on my mind, I started to think about all of the things in life that make me truly happy and decided I'd share a few of them with you today:
Happiness Is
a warm cup of coffee in the morning
listening to my 90's pop pandora station while at work
homemade macaroni and cheese
receiving a text from my mom just when i need it
anything with bacon
dancing to an amazing song
a new box of crayons
singing at the top of my lungs
murder she wrote marathons (i'm such a grandma)
lovely quotes
cupcake shops
a great glass of red wine
Oh how my list could go on and on! My final "happy share" for the day is the image below. Isn't it adorable? Building forts is an activity that I'm completely on board with bringing back!
I've told you a few things that brighten up my day so tell me, what are makes you happy?